alternative hypothesis

alternative hypothesis
= non-null hypothesis
French\ \ hypothèse alternative; alternative; hypothèse non nulle
German\ \ Gegenhypothese; Alternativhypothese; Nicht-Nullhypothese
Dutch\ \ alternatieve hypothese; niet-nulhypothese
Italian\ \ ipotesi alternativa; ipotesi non nulla
Spanish\ \ hipótesis alternativa; hipótesis de no nulidad; hipótesis no nula
Catalan\ \ hipòtesi alternativa
Portuguese\ \ hipótese alternativa; hipótese não nula
Romanian\ \ -
Danish\ \ alternativ hypotese
Norwegian\ \ alternativ hypotese
Swedish\ \ mothypotes; alternativhypotes
Greek\ \ εναλλακτική υπόθεση
Finnish\ \ vastahypoteesi; vaihtoehtoinen hypoteesi
Hungarian\ \ ellenhipotézis; nem nullhipotézis
Turkish\ \ karşıt hipotez; sıfır olmayan hipotez
Estonian\ \ sisukas hüpotees; alternatiivhüpotees; mitte-nullhüpotees
Lithuanian\ \ alternatyvioji hipotezė; nenulinė hipotezė
Slovenian\ \ alternativna domneva
Polish\ \ hipoteza alternatywna; hipoteza niezerowa
Russian\ \ альтернативная гипотеза; ненулевая гипотеза
Ukrainian\ \ Альтернативна гіпотеза
Serbian\ \ алтернативна хипотеза; ненулта хипотеза
Icelandic\ \ gagntilgáta; móttilgáta
Euskara\ \ hipotesi alternatibo; hipotesi ez-nulu; ordezko hipotesi
Farsi\ \ -
Persian-Farsi\ \ فرض مقابل
Arabic\ \ فرض بدبل او تبادلي
Afrikaans\ \ alternatiewe hipotese; nienulhipotese
Chinese\ \ 备 役 假 设; 非 虚 无 假 设
Korean\ \ 대립[대안]가설

Statistical terms. 2014.

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  • Alternative hypothesis — Main article: Statistical hypothesis testing In statistical hypothesis testing, the alternative hypothesis (or maintained hypothesis or research hypothesis) and the null hypothesis are the two rival hypotheses which are compared by a statistical… …   Wikipedia

  • alternative hypothesis — noun A rival hypothesis to the null hypothesis, whose likelihoods are compared by a statistical hypothesis test. See Also: null hypothesis …   Wiktionary

  • alternative hypothesis — (in the statistical testing of a hypothesis) the hypothesis to be accepted if the null hypothesis is rejected. * * * …   Universalium

  • alternative hypothesis — (in the statistical testing of a hypothesis) the hypothesis to be accepted if the null hypothesis is rejected …   Useful english dictionary

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  • hypothesis — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ plausible ▪ bold ▪ Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis. ▪ speculative ▪ alternative, competing …   Collocations dictionary

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